Languages, Society and Policy is an open access online journal publishing high-quality peer-reviewed language research that addresses issues concerning languages, cultures, and societies in accessible and non-technical language. We promote engagement with policy makers, journalists and stakeholders in education, health, business and elsewhere.
We publish Policy Papers, Opinion Articles and Dialogues.
We welcome contributions from diverse disciplines and subdisciplines that relate to language, including—but not limited to—linguistics, modern languages, and all relevant subfields of cognitive science, cultural studies, education, health sciences, neuroscience, and psychology.
For information on how to submit a paper to Languages, Society & Policy (LSP), please see our Editorial Guidelines.
ISSN 2515-3854
Language underpins every aspect of human activity, social, economic and cultural. Insights from the integrated study of languages, cultures, and societies can improve policy making and have the potential to impact on a wide range of areas of public life.
Our mission is to draw research insights from the widest possible spectrum of the field aiming for broad, feasible and impactful policy recommendations. We aim to connect insights about language and its role in culture and communication with wider societal questions, including those related to law, migration, equality, and inclusiveness, as well as the vital role of intercultural understanding for international collaboration on these and other big issues of our times.

LSP was launched in May 2017 as part of the AHRC funded project, Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS), led by Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett at the University of Cambridge (AH/N004671/1; www.meits.org).
MEITS (2016-2021) was an interdisciplinary, multi-institution research project seeking to revitalize the broadly conceived subject area of Modern Languages and shape UK language policy.
In bringing together researchers from literary and cultural studies, the history of ideas, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, education and cognitive science, MEITS sought to show how research within the disciplinary field can address and enrich our understanding of key issues of our time.
This spirit of openness and interdisciplinarity was therefore fundamental to the conception of LSP from the outset, and the journal has continued to encourage contributors to work beyond their usual disciplinary boundaries.
LSP is supported by a consortium of learned societies working together to nurture a cross-disciplinary approach to research-based policy recommendations.

Dr Leanne Henderson
Co-Editor, Dialogues
Dr Emma Humphries
Managing Editor
Dr Alim Tusun
Associate Editors
Professor David Adger
Department of Linguistics,
Queen Mary University of London
Professor Wendy Ayres-Bennett
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge
Dr Thomas Bak
Department of Psychology,
University of Edinburgh
Dr Linda Fisher
Faculty of Education,
University of Cambridge
Professor Charles Forsdick
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Liverpool
Professor Caroline Heycock
School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Professor Paul Kerswill
Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York
Professor Michelle MacLeod
School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture, University of Aberdeen
Dr Frank Monaghan
The School of Languages and Applied Linguistics, The Open University
Dr Lisa-Maria Müller
The Chartered College of Teaching
Professor Florence Myles
Department of Language and Linguistics
University of Essex
Professor Ludovica Serratrice
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading
Professor Nigel Vincent
Department of Linguistics and English Language, University of Manchester